Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Still going

First let me apologize for not keeping up on the blog as I should. I still find it taxing to sit at the computer for extended periods of time. I am greatful that I can sit at the computer...so with that being said...let me fill you in.

I did spend another week in the hospital the first week of January...it was disheartning because I didn't want to be spending time each month in the hospital especially every holiday. Each holiday brought about some trauma...Thanksgiving instead of a beautiful Turkey dineer with family, I was getting drainage tubes inserted in my back. Then the day before Christmas eve....I was there again...I cried hearing the news I was being admitted. The nurse practictioner, Dori said they would try to have me released on Christmas eve...it was not to be. I spent Christmas day im the hospital tears in my eyes and prayers in my heart tht Nicholas would enjoythe holiday although I was not there. Nick wa with Cathy, Kent and those wonderful Sprunger boys...that gave me peace. He was with folks that truely love him so with that I could cope with not being with my son...We were able to spend another day celebrating Christmas together. It wasn't the day marked on the calendar, but it was ours all the same. January came and New years eve was spent at home...We both made it to 12:30 and saw the ball drop with the legendary Dick Clark...shortly after that time Nick was sound aslep next to me in my bed. He along with the other 3 boys in our life, Silas, Joshiah and the ever so nutty Anchel all curled up next to me to sleep. Unfortunately it left me totally uncomfortable but happy becasue I had all four of my boys with me and I was home...For that I was so very happy and blessed. Little did I know within a short time I would be taken to the hospital in the wee hours of the morning...4:30 AM to be exact. Something just was not right...I got there and the doctors took over. They gave me all kinds of meds, trust me when i say....Please, please, please never mix that group together again. I have never been that out of control. I lost everything...I awoke with Juli sitting next to my bed (once again on the 9th floor) waiting for me to awake. I remember looking at her and saying, " please tell me you got the license plate # of the truck that hit me!" I insisted that she go home and rest. Dr. Bloomston and his grop came in and he just shook his head...He is and has been concerned about the infection that looms under the piece of liver I have left. It just keeps going and going...I picture that fat, mucussie character from the musinex commercial...just hanging in there. Dr. B gave me 3 options...Meds ( massive amounts of antibiotics), another drainiage tube (not that the 3 I already had were not enough), or (as the surgeons in the ER beleived) surgery....I remeber raising my hand and stating loudly.....I go for #1...yup, that is the one....#1. No one wanted option 3...I don't wnat to have antoher surgery anytime soon. I stayed in the hospital another 6 days with intense IV treatments...on the day of my release...it became more of an escape. My nurse took out the IV needles...I was brought my clothes and I rushed (as quick as I could) to the restroom and changed from those designer gowns to a pair of pants that look like something borrowed from barnum bailey's circus. I waited (inpatiently) for my wheelchair (chariot). I decided after 20 minutes of waiting...I just grabbed my coat and slowly shuffled down the hall, passed the nurses stations, waved a few farewells and headed toward the elevator. I hid my identification band and headed South (from 9 to 1) across the hall and out the doors to fresh air...cold air, but fresh all the same. Latricia was ther to get me and bring me home...AHHHHHHHHHH sweet relief. I left all my information there...I mean 2 huge binders with my life in them at the hospital. Fortunately for me the nurse called informed me it was left behind then Nannett went over after work and picked them up for me. In my haste to escape I left a huge chunk of my life (will, guardianship papers, living will, scans, reports, etc)...Can you say...absent minded??? It was good to have them back with me....Dr. B and i joked around about my next appointment to see him....not until the 26th unless, oh wait MLK day would be on the 19th, maybe I should be pre-registered for the upcoming holiday. I won't even tell you how I lost my mind and put my foot in my mouth with Dr. B and the residents....about the holiday....I am happy to report that day was yesterday and I am not in the hospital....YEAH!!! My nurse is concerned becaue although I take my meds the infections is still there and I have deminished breathing sounds from the right side of my lungs...but trust me...It will take mpre than that to get me back in my home away from home...

Thanks to all those who keep Nick and I in thier prayers and heart. Your love does not go un noticed...

Much love to you all...


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Hello everyone...I actually got on to the blog. I am currently back in the hospital. I just can't seem to stay away. I called juli early 4 am over the weekend in quite a bit of distress. If you know me at all...I hold out to the bitter end before coming to the hospital, especially the ER. I reached my breaking point. The experience was far from pleasant. The problem is infection. There is a spot under the piece of liver I have left that is just being a buttsag. My options r either, meds, another drain, or surgery...All for #1 raise your hands!!! Neither the doc or I r interested in openin me up again. My prob...aside from the cancer is I don't manifest infection...no fevers, hih white counts etc....Docs say I am an annomily (sp)....Go figure. hopefully I can can come hm soon...



sorry hooked up to iv so typing with one hand
